Terms of service…

1) Definitions…

  1. “We” / “Us” / “Our” means the owner of the workspaces / desks to rent (Pretty Good Office).

  2. “Room” / “Rooms” means the accommodation for which the booking is made.

  3. “You” / “Your” means you the person(s) renting the workspace / desk.

2) Bookings and Payment…

  1. The full amount for the Half / Full day will be taken on arrival… either on a walk-in basis, or when booked through the website.

  2. ‘I’m Casual’ memberships will be charged up front on the first day or arrival.

  3. ‘I’m Committed’ memberships can be paid on card or via monthly direct debit… which can be arranged on the first day of your membership.

  4. All payments must be made in GB Pounds by credit / debit card or GoCardless Direct Debit.

  5. All bank charges must be paid by You.

3) Cancellations…

  1. If You wish to cancel your booking You should email PGOfficeCo@gmail.com as soon as possible… or simply cancel through Square Appointments.

  2. A full refund will be made if at least 7 days notice is given.

  3. No refunds will be made with less than 7 days notice unless arranged with Us.

  4. If for any reason We have to cancel a booking a full refund of any money received will be made to You. Any liability will be limited to the money received by Us and We will not be liable for any loss. consequential or otherwise.

4) Insurance…

  1. Insurance cover for buildings and public liability is arranged by Us.

  2. Your personal belongings that are left in Our Room or elsewhere on Our premises are entirely at Your own risk.

  3. We shall accept no liability to You for any loss, damage or injury caused to Your personal property except to the extent such loss, damage or injury is caused by the negligence or wilful default by Us.

5) Your Responsibilities – You will PLEASE …

  1. Ensure that the number of people occupying your workspace does not exceed the number paid for arranged with Us.

  2. Ensure that the Room will be used solely for Your own purpose… and not shared with anybody.

  3. Show consideration for other members and occupants of the building.

  4. Not bring into the building anything which may be offensive or dangerous to any occupants of the building or may affect the cleanliness or condition of the building itself.

  5. Keep the Room and all furniture, utensils, equipment, fixtures and fittings in the Room in the same state of repair and condition as at the commencement of the rental and to ensure that at the end of the day that the Room is left in the same state of order and cleanliness in which it was found.

  6. Report as soon as possible to Us any breakages or damage caused during the rental and to reimburse Us with the cost of replacement - if agreed and necessary - accidents happen.

  7. Arrive at or after 8.00am on the arrival day and to vacate the workspace by 12.30pm for Half-Day bookings or 5.00pm for Full-Day bookings on the day of departure unless prior arrangement has been agreed with Us.

  8. Not (without the express permission of Us) allow any person other than guests booked in the Room to use the facilities and amenities of the Room.

  9. Not use our internet facility for any inappropriate or offensive content.

  10. In the event of a breach of any of these undertakings We can make You leave the workspace before the end of the rental period. In this case You shall be deemed to have cancelled the booking and You shall have no claim for compensation or reimbursement whatsoever.

7) Force Majeure…

  1. No liability can be accepted and no compensation will be paid by Us, where You suffer any loss, damage, injury, disappointment, inconvenience or otherwise, or where the performance or prompt performance of any obligations by Us are prevented or affected, by any event which We could not have reasonably foreseen or avoided, including natural disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, disease, none availability of transport services, interruption to services/utilities and all similar events outside Our control.